
The unnamed Woodcutter is a villainous werewolf from "Children of the Full Moon," the eighth episode of Hammer's House of Horror.


The woodcutter's first appearance in human form came in the climax of the episode, when Tom Martin approached him while attempting to find his wife, Sarah. The couple had encountered a werewolf while staying at the home of Mrs. Ardoy and her eight foster children, with the werewolf attacking and impregnanting Sarah. It was revealed that all of the children came from different mothers, but from the same werewolf father.

Heel Turn[]

Woodcutter Heel Turn

The woodcutter appeared to assist Tom in his search, but afterwards, his cryptic statements regarding the children and the werewolf became suspicious to Tom, as he later indicated that none of the mothers survived childbirth. At that moment, the woodcutter turned heel and revealed himself as a werewolf, with Tom recognizing him as the werewolf who attacked Sarah--after hair appeared on his face.

Tom's attempt to escape was stopped by the villainous woodcutter, who killed Tom with his axe. The film ends with Mrs. Ardoy welcoming a new baby, with Sarah dying after giving birth. All the while, the woodcutter's heel turn became complete during the film's final scenes, as he was shown in his full werewolf form howling.




HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR Children of the Full Moon
